Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The Big Question

In the car yesterday, Pearl asked me "Why are we getting Ruby?"  Pearl's been part of the discussion all along; we talked to her about getting a baby, she's been turning our sofa into an airplane and play-acting arriving in China and adopting a baby, and we had her ok the referral before we called the social worker back in April.  Adoption is going to be a part of Pearl's life from now on, so I really wanted to get this question right.

Many people have asked me this, but I think I was most pleased with my answer to Pearl. I explained that there were a lot of reasons that we were adopting, that on certain days, certain reasons seemed most important, but that it shifted around a lot. She listened as I went over how we have so much--a big house with room to spare, a yard, good doctors, more love to share--and that we wanted to share it with someone who didn't have anything. I told her that Ruby has people to care for her now, but that she didn't have any money or parents, and that if she aged out of the Chinese orphanage system at age 14, she'd be in a horrible situation. That's one of the main reasons.

She seemed ok with that, and with another reason: we have enjoyed our two little girls so much, we want to see what a third one is like.  Jasper would use that logic to fill the house with about five more kids if he could, but I'm taking it one at a time.  Finally, and on some days most importantly, we want to nurture Ruby's spirit and faith--something that almost certainly would not happen where she is now--to learn from her and to grow with her.

There are other reasons too, ones I'll explain to the girls when they are older. I think I may have started mulling over the idea of adoption from China, or maybe just adoption, after hearing this heart wrenching NPR story, but that was years before we began serious research. 

On another note, the girls love their blog names so much, they've taken to calling each other by them, though they don't seem able to keep them straight.

Since Sapphire wants a mention too, I'll just note here that today she said she wants to be a mermaid when she grows up, one with a tail, so that she doesn't need a grown up with her in the pool.  !

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