Monday, July 02, 2012

Care Package

According to Fed Ex's tracking info, our care package for Ruby arrived in China last Friday. I only mailed it Monday! The agency's employee there will forward it on to Ruby. The reading I've done about adoption bemoans the quick transition international adoptees have to make from one set of surroundings and caretakers to another. In domestic adoptions of toddlers, usually it starts with visits, then sleepovers, and a smoother transition.  We're hoping that seeing our photos in the album we sent, and having her nannies cheerfully explain the transition, will help her to see that they approve and decrease her stress over it.

When I first went to the shipping shop, it was going to be $130 to send the package to China! I had expected it to be $40 or so. In the end, the store owner found another package system to use, and it was only $95.

Sapphire and Pearl are holding the contents of our much-traveled package. We sent the tiny album, some gummy worms (I recall those were a hit with Sapphire at that age), a frog, a disposable camera, and an outfit that is probably too big, but she looked so chubby in the last photos!  We're hoping that the camera comes with her when we meet, and that it will record the surroundings she's known since infancy.  I taped her name in Chinese to everything, hoping that would help the busy nannies.

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