Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I have lists of recommended things to take. (They seem a little over kill. We do not need baby washcloths when we are going to hotels with washcloths.) I have lists of things to pick up, but it isn't long since I got nearly everything in the last weeks. I have a handy chart to show who is keeping the girls while we are gone (a big thanks to those family members!). I have lists of what I packed because, once it's in there, I'm probably going to forget about it and look again. I have a list of things to do for Vacation Bible School since that's quickly approaching too. We'll leave on the third day, but the girls will get to go at least one more day.

This may not show from my previous paragraph, but I'm feel much less scattered than I did last night when I was blundering around, trying to make a VBS bulletin and pack suitcases and email folks to handle things I won't be able to do any more at VBS since we'll be in China!

I may still be a little scattered, though, since nothing I try to write really hangs together in a paragraph. I'll have to work on that.

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