Saturday, July 21, 2012

Better Information

One of the reasons the foster home's update was so great, is that now we have a much better idea of Ruby's medical history, and here are some details about her personality:

"The orphanage director asked if we would take Ruby because she was due for surgery when she turns one. So, Ruby came to stay with us in Beijing in December 2010. [when she was just 3 months old]  In March 2011 she had the lip surgery, and the palate surgery in November.  Both surgeries were successfully performed by the reputable Beijing University Hospital." 

[She's looking at pictures of us here, wearing the little outfit we mailed! See Noah's ark in the background?]
"Ruby's recovery was smooth and complete.  Now she can drink from a cup and use a spoon to eat by herself.  She can say a few words such as "jie jie" (meaning "big sister") and "ayi" (meaning "auntie").  She is very energetic and active.  She likes to play with blocks, cars and kitchen toys."  [Sapphire is eating that up--the fact that someone will be calling her jie jie!]
"She also likes to go outdoors, play with water and to play with balls.  She is curious and courageous, willing to try new things.  Being strong minded and tenacious is her tool for survival.  As with most toddlers of her age, she does not like to be restricted.  However, she loves being held and cuddled, swung around and raised up high in the air.  She loves attention from adults and enjoys playing chase and games with older children." 

Sounds like she'll fit in perfectly here!

1 comment:

Jolene said...

What a blessing to hear such a good report. It is good to hear she is so well loved by her foster family. There will be many tears when she joins your family but they will be short lived as she will attach to your family fairly easily.
mother to 2 (including one IM boy)