Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hope Abounds: Show Hope Help

We've been very fortunate to be helped along in our adoption journey by Show Hope, a movement to care for orphans.  This is the one that Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife Mary Beth founded and support, as do many other faithful donors.  I had enjoyed Chapman's song "Do Everything", but I really listened to it carefully on my way to campus one day after we had confirmation that we had received a grant from Show Hope.

You can read the lyrics here. I think I *had* been picking up Cheerios that day. 

The grant is a huge help, especially since the costs are going over the tentative fees that we had been given back in 2010.  There is a federal tax refund for adoption too; we will not get that until we file our taxes in 2013, so everything has to be out of pocket until then.  For the Show Hope grant, we wrote statements of faith and shared our financial details. It was a joy to write up a description of our adoption goals back then, knowing the people reading them would be so empathetic and in tune with our hopes. They sent along a helpful book about creating healthy environments for adopted kids, and a video.  Adoption has been one of the biggest leaps of faith I've ever taken, and through Show Hope God is meeting our needs.

You can read some of the amazing stories of adoptive families and Christians working to serve orphans at the Show Hope blog site.

Here at home we had a chance to celebrate the girls' completion of Operation Overboard VBS held at the church across the street. We got home in time for their pony rides (Sapphire's first!).   

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