Monday, July 16, 2012

The Lingo

I've had to learn the acronyms of the adoptive world: PAPs (prospective adoptive parents) will turn forms containing ACR (age of child requested) regarding SN (special need) or NSN (nonspecial needs) children to organizations all over the world like the CCCWA (China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption), the AC (I can't even remember what this stands for any more, but it is something in the Ukraine), and many others.  Agencies will educate PAPs on RAD (reactive attachment disorder) and FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome), and as they draw up SN lists, they'll see other medical acronyms that may well become a part of their lives.  

PAPs will finally get a look at their child’s file on their DOR (date of referral), and then they can plan their DOT (date of travel).  Eventually PAPs turn into APs (adoptive parents), who bring their child home following “Gotcha Day,” the day when the children seen on paper finally get their first family hugs.   I'm not a big fan of the term "Gotcha Day." Too slangy for me. We'll call it Sister Day or Family Day in our house.

And that doesn't even cover the acronyms specific to Chinese adoption. There seems to be one for just about every stage of the process: DOC (dossier to China), LID (log in date), LOA (letter of approval), NVC (national visa center, a US office), TA (Travel Approval), plus SWI (social welfare institute/orphanage). 

Here's a photo of all of us and the house, required by the CCCWA. 

By the way, I got an email from the American consulate in Guangzhou China today, telling me my Article 5 had been completed (still not sure what that is, other than a 2 week wait). It seems a little strange that I'm getting messages from a consulate! Soon we'll see them in person.

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