Friday, October 24, 2014

Fall Flowers

This week has been so normal I'm not sure what to share. We had a break between the two cavity appointments for Sapphire. She isn't really aware we're going back in.

Pearl and I have been researching shelter dogs.  She has earned her twenty popsicle sticks, for so many good days of good attitude during school time.  That means she has earned her cat, but her dad prefers a dog, so we're on the look out for a nice, cuddly terrier.  I think I have finally found a list of shelters that allow homes with children to also have dogs. If they don't work, we will have to track down a puppy.  I personally would prefer a dog that is already house-trained.

The goal had another nice affect. The other day Pearl told me she enjoys school because she is bored when she doesn't have any lessons.  That is a big step from the end-of-summer's rough transition into schoolwork!

On Sunday we had a chance to celebrate my sister-in-law at a baby shower.  It was so nice to see the aunts and cousins.  The theme was rubber duckies.  Right now there is a pink ducky strapped to a monster truck in my living room. 

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