Thursday, July 31, 2014

Blueberry Season

Friends from Boston brought their four children for a much anticipated visit to our town last week.  Pearl has visited them on their turf before, but it was so sweet to see them run around the yard, the best of friends. They enjoyed washing clothes in the creek, and those poor articles of clothing came back far dirtier than they went in.

We took them to swim at Gifford Pinchot and to cool off at the local splash park.  Daniel took them for a drive to view the Amish farms south of us.  Sadly, they had to return early due to a church emergency in Boston, but we will hope to see them again.

Each Wednesday this summer the girls have gone to the church for musical practice. The songs are really coming along, and I’m amazed that even the four and five year olds have been able to memorize their lines. 

These last photos are of our all family blueberry picking trip this week.  Ruby was a surprisingly focused picker. She filled her container very quickly and didn't want to quit.  Pearl liked to help everyone, and Sapphire preferred to stand back and encourage the rest of us but not actually pick much herself.   


And the final new element around here is the rope swing. We don’t have the final seat attached yet, but the rope swing has kept the girls busy figuring out all types of tricks.

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