Thursday, July 10, 2014

Swim Week

Our Fourth of July included a family wedding. The little girls loved the princess-like bridal dress, dancing with each other, and Shirley Temples, a favorite drink from my childhood wedding experiences. 

Sapphire and her Shirley Temple

This week has been dedicated to swim lessons. The girls all take four days of swim lessons, all in a row. After each lesson, we have free swim time at the local pool.  This is a week they look forward to all year.  Today Sapphire realized she could do a forward roll in the water. After her first success, she came up spluttering and just exploding with pride. 

A friend came over to train Daniel in repointing. This will be his new  hobby, so fortunately he enjoys it. The spots they have completed look so pretty.  I can't wait to see the whole thing finished. I will probably have to wait, though.  It will probably take a few years to work the whole way around the house.

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