Sunday, December 01, 2013


We've had some family gathering lately, including a forty-fifth anniversary party for my in-laws. I think we really surprised them. Then we tortured them by making them reenact wedding traditions.

Last week my family headed west to Somerset County for a (slightly) snowy Thanksgiving. Sapphire took her pumpkin pie seriously.  Later she claimed the drumstick and then devoured it.

Our co-op ended for the fall semester. On our last day, I taught my little class of shorties about how we wake up yeast so it can make air bubbles to help our bread rise. They loved the kneading. I did not tell them that baking the bread kills the yeast!

Since we found ourselves ahead by a week, we took a break from school for the entire Thanksgiving week. That didn't stop Pearl from being creative in very loving ways.

I've been reading to her from Beverly Cleary's Ramona series, and she's working on the second Droon book by herself. We've also been watching the PBS series Colonial House, in which seventeen people move into pilgrim houses and see if they can make it. We much rather watch than live that experience!

I guess we make the thumbs up sign more than I realized!

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