Thursday, August 30, 2012

One Week Home

This blog used to chronicle journeys to neat places in China. This week we're a lot more concerned with the mundane, like getting through each day with a doable amount of sleep!

Sapphire asleep over her bedtime snack.
We're still in the adjusting period.  Nights have been much more active than I tend to like. Ruby was waking up to play for a few hours, then the grown up on duty would either get some sleep or hear the patter of Sapphire's early-rising feet.

Right now, with sleeping, Ruby likes to see someone until she falls asleep. Friends dropped off a very soothing crib toy (thanks Katie and Jake!), and that helps distract Ruby so we can move our arms out of the crib and start to edge away from it. Then I sit and read just inside the door while she drifts off to sleep.  An excuse to read! How wonderful! 

Then, when everyone is awake together, I feel like I need to be in the room to referee. The littlest two are not satisfied with sharing a lap, or with taking turns, but we all knew that was going to happen! There are periods of quiet, happy play, and then there are bouts of screaming over something that neither of the little ones really wants.

But, finally, last night we all slept and woke at 8am. Sapphire was sick in the night, but still, 8am!! Ruby slept for 13 hours, and we all feel better after sleeping that long. And it worked. Our one week home anniversary was our first calm and peaceful day. 

Here she is in her favorite spot. She'd out-eat anyone in the house, I think. I know our food is delicious and varied, and I've read that this is pretty common in kids in her situation. The three girls produce a mountain of crumbs under the table. 
The rest are up to their silly tricks. On Tuesday we celebrated the last day of my summer break with a big girls' outing to see *Brave* in the theater while Ruby napped. It was scary, but with constant whispers of "It'll be ok--the bear doesn't eat her!", we got through it.

Pearl is my hero when it comes to wedging herself into the four door Fusion between two leaning car seats without complaining.  We will at least try to stop the leaning. She's been great all around. She certainly has her daddy's portion of patience. We also enjoy some oldest sister special time in the evenings when we get a chance and the Sleeping Queens card game or *Horse and His Boy* are  calling to us.

Our first family outing was the worship service at church. Ruby stayed on my lap eating Cheerios for most of the service.  Our church family has a tradition of placing a single rose on the communion table the first Sunday after a new baby arrives, and this time I got to see my new daughter's rose along with everyone else.  Everyone was so kind and gracious to us. I'm thankful to be raising my children with you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ruby wanting someone in her room to fall asleep is typical. Although Alex was 3 when he came home from Russia, we stayed with him every night for actually years until he fell asleep (some might say we over did it, but it worked for us). For the first full 6 months, he would wake in the night just once and come in our room and stand by my side of the bed. Never his Dad's, always mine (which was good since I stayed home and R worked). He would not speak or touch me, but I always woke up instantly! Then it was back to his room and stay with him again til he went back to sleep. I thought it would never end, but when it did after six months I think it was abrupt and permanent (can't really remember).
We didn't have any sibling dynamics to deal with as he is an 'only'. Enjoy your journey! Joan P