Monday, August 06, 2012

Two Days til Departure

Jasper set out on some serious errands today--new glasses for the trip (and he'll be wearing them all the time when he returns, so watch out for that! But at least it doesn't mean you need to fear his near-sighted driving any more), the big last check to the adoption agency to cover travel expenses and the orphanage donation, and the cholesterol check that means he can now eat Chinese food without worrying about his numbers, at least for a while, while we are away. 

The water heater is fixed, so we are ready to leave the house to my mom's care when she takes over in a few days, and I think the bags are nearly packed. We are way under weight and on the light side of baggage. Traveling in summer makes that much easier than facing the bracing Mongolian winter. T-shirts alone would not suffice then.

VBS starts tonight, and I get to see it in action after months of preparation for two nights at least before we leave. We've been praying for it for a long time, and I'm thrilled that it's finally here. Ruby is psyched too!

Over the weekend we visited the PA Renaissance Faire, and here are some shots. The day before I went into labor with Sapphire we had a great family day together as a family of three: lunch out after church and a visit to the MA/PA railroad. That was a lot less comfortable than our recent family day trip to the days of Queen Elizabeth I!

We've been focused on the Medieval period this summer as we do home school lite, and this was our brief jump into the Renaissance before we start Colonial America in the fall.

1 comment:

cocovine said...

waiting to hear of your safe arrival in China. and of Ruby's first meeting with you.