Thursday, September 06, 2012

Start of School

All 5 of us on The Rock, the official photo site at my parents' house
So far we've had Ruby for 3 1/2 weeks, and we've been home as a family for 2 full weeks.  Things are settling down.  Last weekend Ruby visited my parents' house, where we stay most Friday nights so my husband can run his karate school. She took to the house very well, but the new change did upset her sleeping, and she cried out more than she had for some time. It took two more nights for this to get out of her system, but when she's home, she sleeps very soundly.

This week Pearl started first grade. Here she is on her first day.  She's continuing some simple piano lessons and we're learning about the Pilgrims as well as reviewing some math facts that seem to come very easily to her.

Sapphire wanted to start school too, so she is looking at a letter each day and doing some coloring. Otherwise she and Ruby run around while I try to explain things to Pearl. It is not a very quiet environment, but it works.

Pearl's other big news is the loss of her second tooth. They are falling out like crazy now! It wiggled one  moment over corn and fell out by dessert the same meal. Sapphire tells me she has loose ones too. 
The big girls are always eager for Ruby to wake from her nap, I guess because they like the chaos of all three trying to play together. Sapphire had to learn to stay out of her sister's room when she's sleeping.  She calls her "Baby Ruby" like the folks at our church call babies when they first arrive, until they are about 18 months old. My older girls used to be "Baby Pearl" and "Baby Sapphire" too.

We all went to the Chinese buffet we like in York, and Ruby actually screamed in delight when she saw all those tables of food.  She made a little dent in them.  I think she liked everything.

We have some big birthday plans this weekend since two of our daughters celebrate a new year. Maybe we'll see you there!!

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