Saturday, December 13, 2014

Tinsel Time


Our little orange belt has turned into a green belt. This is when her karate school studies get a little more serious. She will now stay for two classes instead of one, and she will be expected to break her first board. 

I have found one review of my book online, and it pleased me enough to share a link here.  The fifty minute interview went well, and I'll have an interview with WNYC, an NPR station, on Monday. 

Here in our home, we've made a list of things we want to do to prepare for Christmas. They include making gingerbread houses, visiting a live nativity down the road, seeing the Rocky Ridge Christmas lights (the park puts on a huge display), and making sand tarts. 

I've researched and written about the 'burden' of Christmas preparation, but by identifying what we really want to do, I think it will be a joy.  My secret weapon to Christmas busy-ness is our neighborhood elf who has wrapped our gifts more beautifully than I could ever do

We were surprised to see that the local drive through nativity, which is done very well, had two real camels this year! The girls like to hear about our memories of taking part in live nativities--and all their family members who played music, cooked, or organized them.  Pearl is especially impressed that I played Mary several years. 

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