Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Introducing Brie

Keeping our promise to Pearl to find a family dog took some work.  I really wanted to try to find a shelter dog, and this meant applications, waiting, and some disappointments.  It also taught us about the pet industry and delayed gratification, and that is not a bad lesson.   

On Saturday we drove to the Chester County SPCA to meet a black and white terrier, but she was already reserved by another family.  Instead we met with a little ten pound, four year old Yorkie mix, and an hour later she was driving home with us.  A few days later we visited the vet, and her health and personality impressed him greatly.  He was smitten. 

We are all delighted with her.  She has latched on to Pearl, who is so excited to have her own dog at long last.  Brie is fairly timid, but it has been amazing to see her warming up to her surroundings.  When Pearl's Chinese class of six people met here, Brie made some very brave (and distractingly cute) forays into the kitchen to make sure Pearl was safe and sound. 

Sapphire has learned to regulate her voice and movements to gain the trust of our timid little Yorkie.  Ruby is doing better too. She calmly scratched Brie's ears, and said she loved her, but then added that we still need a cat. 

Outside the house my little preemie niece is growing gram by gram. I had the chance to visit her in the NICU, my first experience there, and even hold the little bundle.  Soon she'll be five pounds. 

Dropping off our Operation Christmas Child boxes

A last outdoors hurrah before the cold vortex hits

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