Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Journey Begins, Israel 2014

File:Israel Jaffa.JPG
Pearl and her daddy began their journey to Israel Monday morning. They will be gone for seventeen days. I was told that Pearl was brave throughout the journey, though she only slept forty minutes on the plane. When she woke up the first morning, she did not remember she was in Israel and was very confused.

That first day they saw Jaffa, the port city that is called Joppa in the Bible. The group is pleased that they have a very knowledgeable tour guide.

I was proud to receive this note from one of the women from our church on the trip: "'Pearl' is an absolute delight to be with!  She makes the trip even better.  Seeing her this morning is one of the things I'm looking forward to." I have always thought so, but it is nice to hear from someone else!

And we have soldiered on in our busy week here too. The little girls are looking forward to the seeing all the teenagers who will be babysitting them.

Yesterday we had our co-op, and I taught my class of girls about colonial writing and postal history. We used the quill pens that I have reused time and again and the black walnut ink we boiled down in November. The new sealing wax I had ordered was a hit too. Each girl had to go to the 'tavern' to see if any emigrants had brought her a letter from the old country. This was before Ben Franklin revolutionized the American postal system, of course. Pearl had helped me to write and seal all the letters before she left.

One of my fondest dreams: daughters reading to each other.

The little girls admit to missing their daddy and big sister when I ask, but otherwise they are powering ahead through days of play.

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