Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Out of Surgery

All is well. Daniel came out of surgery at 5:30 after being in there for 3 hours. The actual surgery part must have taken about 2 and a half hours. The neurosurgeon said that she was very pleased with the outcome. They did not need to put in the stent, but just coiled that aneurysm full of titanium so that it will no long be a risk factor. He's in the Neuro Intensive Care right now, and they should move him to a regular floor tomorrow (Thursday). He's doing a countdown of the six hours he needs to stay very still flat on his back. Four to go! Even after that, he'll need to take it easy for several days because the procedure went in through an artery. We're very pleased. This is the best news we could get. He should be released tomorrow. He is making much more sense now that the medications are wearing off. I was ready to shut his mouth with medical tape for a while when he was bombarding the nurses with the same questions over and over. Thank you SO MUCH for all the prayers. He told the neurosurgeon that she shouldn't be surprised if the aneurysm was gone, since faithful friends have been lifting him up in prayer. Our prayers have been answered in a slightly different way, however. Phew!!


Anonymous said...

Prayers from the members of St Eleanors Parish Collegeville and Sisters of St Josephs Order are with you Daniel snd family

kalanbaird said...

So glad to hear he is out. I was praying throughout the day. I'll try to get a hold of you all tomorrow. We love you all.

Anonymous said...

Looks as though God has answered our prayers! Praying for a full and speedy recovery! Scott Myers