Sunday, October 27, 2013


the rainbow ends at our house!
At the store the other day, I looked over to see Ruby standing right in the way of an older lady, another customer. I told the little shortie to scoot, since the lady obviously wanted to walk through. Ruby straddled her legs a bit to make it clear she was in the way and not moving. She eyed me. She eyed the lady. Just as I was wondering how this defiant toddler showdown would end, she looked back to the lady and said, "Password." I had to laugh. At home the girls sometimes block a doorway or the bottom of the stairs, but they give way instantly if we say the password, which has been "Rainbow" for about two years now. We do not have great encryption. Back in the store, I realized it would be faster to just tell the lady the password than to explain to Ruby that not everyone plays our game. The patient customer gamely said "Rainbow," and Ruby hopped out of her way. 

She also enthusiastically sings the two songs she knows, but only these lines enthusiastically repeated over and over, with no variation, even when we helpfully suggest the other words:
"Jesus love me...the bible tell me"
"Be wise. Be wise. Be wise"

Update: The "password" game has been outlawed. Peace must be maintained.

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