Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year!

Our electricity came on after 1 3/4 days, which was just plenty for all of us. We are also pleased that we have electricity in time to enjoy the Winter Olympics. Pearl and I plan to devote school time to learning about the different sports and the countries competing in them this week.

I took the girls to meet their newest cousin. They were very well behaved, though Pearl wanted to eat her up and Sapphire just wanted to wrestle her, I think. 

Sapphire has her own brand of refinement, of course. At the grocery store this week I put her in the basket of the cart while Ruby sat up front. As we made our way down the soup aisle, I had to maneuver deftly around several people, including an elderly couple, and Sapphire hollered out, "Don't hit the old people!"

Pearl tries her hand at the big drum, and Sapphire chats

We joined our local Families with Children from China group to celebrate Chinese New Year, and wow, they put on a big night. We saw a lion dancer/drum group from Johns Hopkins (and Sapphire sidled up to them, probably trying to work her way onto the team).

They also invited a local Chinese dance troupe, a kung fu school with very impressive weapons (Pearl loved that one), and a man who played a Chinese instrument made from a gourd and bamboo. It was almost too much culture even for me!

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