Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Piles of Paper

I would just like to say that, I've gotten my PhD, and I don't think that accomplishment was any harder than obtaining and organizing the paperwork involved in adoption. Neither was easy! Tonight I'm sorting the forms we have to take to China. It feels like I am in the last stages of dissertation preparation.

There should be a degree conferred on adoptive parents who successfully navigate this jungle.


D6W said...

I checked out your blog from the InnerMongolia Yahoo group and saw that your consolate appointment is the day before ours. :) We are adopting from Baotou, Inner Mongolia and arrive in Hohhot on the 12th. Are you staying in Hohhot? If so, where?


Opal said...

Hi D6W! I will know by the end of the day, but I think we'll be at the Sheraton in Hohhot, and we should be there by the 12th or so. I think nearly everyone stays there, so maybe we will be able to meet there. No one else is going to China through our agency next week, so it would be neat to know someone else. I think I have this set up so it will email your comments to my hotmail account, so do give it a try.