Sunday, April 12, 2015

Easter Traditions

We have made Easter eggs at this table in Rockwood, using these melamine teacups, for about 25 years, I think.  We have it down to a science, and we enjoy it thoroughly.  This year we had only one spill, and many, many lovely eggs.

This week our co-op took a field trip to a county park and learned about raptors. I had planned this as an extension of my Bird Science class. We also enjoyed a hike guided by an enthusiastic park educator. 

Pearl went to her second tournament and brought home a silver medal, obeying my firm instructions not to bring home any huge, gaudy trophy which is impossible to display, or store. Her daddy totally ignored this advice.  Here's a picture from Pearl's first tournament.  We encourage her to do these not for the medals, though they are nice, but for the chance to get out in front of people and do her best. 

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