Our girls have been rehearsing songs and learning lines since way back in May or earlier. A gifted woman at our church wrote a musical and titled it "Jonah and the Worm," and the big performances took place on Sunday. Twenty five children participated, and here they are lined up before the show.
We met once a week for practice, and the kids formed such a sweet bond with each other as they worked together.
Sapphire was a fish diva who spent some time with Jonah in the belly of the whale. She was very tickled with her blue costume and headdress. I have to think there is a especially golden mansion in heaven for people who volunteer to wrangle ten preschoolers backstage, costuming, feeding, and entertaining them until it is time for their cues.
The girls love their co-op, and this week Sapphire showed off the coral reef she created out of play dough.
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