Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Co-op & Puzzles

Our co-op started up again this week.  Living where we do, we have several co-op options.  The one we attend does not burden our schedule because it only meets every other week, and it offers a strong Christian fellowship.  This co-op is mainly for enrichment, so I do not have to orchestrate my weekly lessons around it; it merely provides extra opportunities in a classroom setting.

Last semester Jasper taught the older kids a karate class, but this semester I've organized a Maps through Stories class.  Today we worked on landform terms and ended with the children creating their own playdough maps.  I was pretty pleased with the lesson, except I planned too many things and ran out of time.  The two little girls stayed busy in the nursery just down the hall.  I like that feature too.

Pearl's other classes are literature and art. It seems strange that I should be the one not teaching in the humanities! But I do always read them a story.  

Here are Pearl and Sapphire wishing to record their Valentine treats before they disappear.  Pearl's Sunday School class got entrepreneurial and produced and 'marketed' these to help earn money for the church Building Fund.  Pearl is sure she made the pink one. 

Pearl is a fan of Valentines Day. The girls loved all the cards they received from friends and family.  Pearl joined me and Jasper at the church Sweetheart Banquet where I think she was the biggest fan of the family-friendly version of the Newlywed Game--we came in second, I believe. At one point, when Michelle guessed the right answer, I saw Pearl gasp in pure joy and clap her cute little hands.  How sweet that she threw herself into the game. She said she is definitely going again next year.

And Sapphire has been giving us some interesting days. On Saturday I couldn't find my contacts because she had woken early, and just before waking everyone else up (early) she opened my contact case and fiddled around with the tiny clear plastic lenses.  When asked where they had gone, she said they were in her eyes, and she pulled at her eyelid in a very good performance of how I do it. Fortunately they were old 2 week disposables. They were not in her eyes.  Her education into reality (we *always* see the candy hiding in her hand) is entertaining but exhausting. 

Fortunately Ruby is much less interested in pulling our house apart, though we do save activities with tiny pieces until her nap time.

I heard from her group home in Beijing today. They will be celebrating a 10 year anniversary and asked if we could create a video of Ruby sending her regards to encourage the nannies in their daily ministry of childcare.

These last pictures just show what life is like around here--dressing up in vintage aprons made by my great-grandmother (I'll bet she never realized they make excellent capes, dolly blankets, and head-coverings!) and working on puzzles. 

Very proud she can put puzzles together now too!

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