Monday, July 23, 2012

Still Waiting for TA

I was really hoping to be able to sit down and write about how we had received Travel Approval (TA) today. That's the last step before we get to plan the trip and finally know the dates we'll be away.  I've really been waiting to know those dates all summer, to tack down this floating idea of the trip and make it real. It didn't come today.

I know that people who submitted the last form on the same date we did got their TA on Friday, and I know that people AFTER us also got theirs. So where is our little piece of paper?

It's been tough waiting, thinking each phone ring was the social worker calling to tell me the package had arrived. Now I'll have to wait again tomorrow.  Maybe I'll get better at it.

Here's Ruby in the outfit we sent and with the stuffed frog we sent her. I'll bet she's chomping on a gummy worm we sent too!

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