I remember Field Day at my elementary school as lots of cheering and crowds of people on the field. Last week we experience Field Day with our York County home school group. About 100 kids and their families met at a local park to compete in seventeen events. I led Pearl's group from event to event and Sapphire and Ruby joined us for most of it. Tagalongs are always present and always appreciated at home school events. Sapphire had an impressive score for the bean bag toss without really trying.
Pearl proudly took home eight ribbons. Jasper joined us to watch her compete and give some expert help in counting sit ups. We had a picnic lunch and let the kids play their hearts out on the playground for the rest of the afternoon. I think I need more empty afternoons outside.
Schools about done here, though Pearl has to keep reading and practicing piano each day. She had a course in fishing on Memorial Day and seems to have learned the benefit of polarized sun glasses as well as how to cast. Some friends showed us a nice fishing spot and helped keep worms on the girls' hooks.
All the fish seemed to have survived, and no one fell off the big rock. Phew!
We moved a mile or so upstream to join a creek-side picnic and watch the water flow by. Ruby enjoyed the all-afternoon buffet, the sand, and a nap on daddy's lap.
My dad, Elder Glenn, Jasper, and Pastor Will |
I leave next Tuesday for my big trip. Packing is not so easy--I want to strike a balance between comfort and chic, but I doubt I could pull off chic any time. I'll just hope to avoid blisters.
And if you or someone you know might be interested in taking your own adventure in March 2014, check out and share the itinerary and trip details for the tour group Jasper is leading to Israel and Jordan. If nothing else, you'll see one of our family's all-time favorite photos of Jasper at the very bottom of the page.