I especially liked the notes the kids wrote themselves to place in the boxes, notes that said "I hope you like the presints. We picked them out just for you", at least that is how Pearl spelled hers.
Ruby experienced her first Halloween. The housemother in China told us she had celebrated Christmas and Easter, plus Chinese holidays like Children's Day, but this costume thing with candy was a new one for her. I think candy corn was her favorite.
Here we all are as princesses (Pearl was a very modern Princess Kate) along with our friend the monkey.
I've always kissed my babies, but it was an interesting process to teach Ruby that kissing is a way of showing affection in a family. When we first met her, it almost seemed like she had never kissed or been kissed before. I would understand if this germ-carrying form of affection was skipped at the group home, where thirteen kids, staff, and a revolving cast of volunteers could make kissing almost like licking a water fountain.
When we first got her, it was just a little too strange to begin kissing her like a newborn. She wasn't usually all that happy with us, she was pretty drooly, and we were just getting to know her too. But as our relationship has blossomed, it has been easier to hug, snuggle, and kiss her naturally and effortlessly. Now she has it down now. Before bed, she'll pucker up as a way of requesting kiss after kiss.
As for Hurricane Sandy, which closed my campus and all the local public schools two days in a row, I don't have any impressive photos. We have many leaves down in the yard, but that is about it. It looks like we are in the eye of the hurricane right now. They are calling for winds occasionally gusting to 60mph and more rain, but it really hasn't been to bad up here on the hill!